삐딱한 창문 -Ecology

공간, 환경

[Luna] 2016. 6. 21. 01:48

과정은 공간 안에서 벌어지는 것이 아니라 그것의 고유한 공간적 틀을 정의한다.

Processes do not occur in space but define their own spatial frame. 

(The concept of space is embedded in or internal to process. This very formulation implies that, as in the case of relative space, it is impossible to disentangle space from time. We must therefore focus on the relationality of space-time rather than of space in isolation. The relational notion of space-time implies the idea of internal relations; external influences get internalized in specific processes or things through time (much as my mind absorbs all manner of external information and stimuli to yield strange patterns of thought including dreams and fantasies as well as attempts at rational calculation). An event or a thing at a point in space cannot be understood by appeal to what exists only at that point. It depends upon everything else going on around it (although in practice usually within only a certain range of influence). A wide variety of disparate influences swirling over space in the past, present and future concentrate and congeal at a certain point to define the nature of that point. Identity, in this argument, means something quite different from the sense we have of it from absolute space. Thus do we arrive at an extended version of Leibniz’s concept of the monad.)

-공간이라는 키워드, David Harvey, 


환경이 종을 선택했다. 환경이 급변했기 때문에 (특정 종이) 대발생하는 것

-4대강 재자연화 포럼, 박정호 박사님 발제 중