Mum's the word. -나름 19금?
2011. 4. 8. 23:01
빅뱅이론의 밀린 19화와 오늘 막 올라온 20화를 같이 봤다.
두 Episode 다 평균 이상으로 재미있었음.
Bigbang Theory S4E19
Police Officer: Mr. Cooper, there's nothing...
Sheldon: (자신의 호칭을 정정하며) Dr. Cooper.
Police Officer: (의심스런 눈초리로 레너드를 바라보며) Seriously?
Leonard: Not that kind with access to drugs.
"the heroic questing music"을 들으면 즐겁게 출정하는 바보들.
Bigbang Theory S4E20
Sheldon: Look at you, getting me to engage in the social sciences.
Sheldon: I must say, Amy. Pretending to have intercourse with you is giving me a great deal of satisfaction.
Amy: Slow down, Sheldon. I'm not quite there yet.
Amy: I described your love making as "aloof, but effective".
Sheldon: I wish you hadn't done that. That's going to make me a chick magnet and I'm so busy as it is.
chick magnet이 뭔가 해서 찾아봤더니,
그래 Sheldon, 너 맞다. ㅡ_ㅡ;;
두 Episode 다 평균 이상으로 재미있었음.
Bigbang Theory S4E19
Police Officer: Mr. Cooper, there's nothing...
Sheldon: (자신의 호칭을 정정하며) Dr. Cooper.
Police Officer: (의심스런 눈초리로 레너드를 바라보며) Seriously?
Leonard: Not that kind with access to drugs.
"the heroic questing music"을 들으면 즐겁게 출정하는 바보들.
비욘세 음악인 줄 알고 튼 Penny.
정말 얘네는 Penny 없인 아무것도 못한다.
Penny: Well, then, good news. Today's the day a girl's finally going to touch you in your little special place.
Bigbang Theory S4E20
Sheldon: Look at you, getting me to engage in the social sciences.
Sheldon: I must say, Amy. Pretending to have intercourse with you is giving me a great deal of satisfaction.
Amy: Slow down, Sheldon. I'm not quite there yet.
Amy: I described your love making as "aloof, but effective".
Sheldon: I wish you hadn't done that. That's going to make me a chick magnet and I'm so busy as it is.
chick magnet이 뭔가 해서 찾아봤더니,
그래 Sheldon, 너 맞다. ㅡ_ㅡ;;