Don't let this be Sheldon playing bongos.
Hello, Leonard,do you like my bongos?
Bet you didn't know that I had bongos.
Sheldon, it's 3:00 o'clock in the morning.
3:00 in the morning is a good time for bongos.
I was sleeping.
Leonard sleeps while I play bongos.
No, he doesn't.
Leonard no sleep while I play bongos.Bongo solo.
Stop! Stop it!
Stop! Stop! Stop it! What the hell?
Penny, guess what? Sheldon got bongos.
Why did you get bongos?
Richard Feynman played the bongos. I thought I'd give that a try.
Richard Feynman was a famous physicist.
Oh, Leonard, it's 3:00 o'clock in the morning.
I don't care if Richard Feynman was a purple leprechaun who lived in my butt.
Penny meant if he were a purple leprechaun. Penny forgot to use the subjunctive.
Sheldon, go to bed.
You have work in the morning.
Maybe, maybe not. Maybe tomorrow I start a bongo band and tour the world.
No, no, hang on, uh, uh, Roommate Agreement.
No hootenannies, sing-a-longs,or barbershop quartets after 10:00 p.m.
Roommate Agreement? Are you kidding? We are living in a world of chaos.
Roommate Agreement.
Where are you going?
Wherever the music takes me, kitten.
I play bongos walking down the stairs.
Oh! Oh! Never play bongos walking down the stairs.